Premium Blend is our best amended soil for starting new gardens or flowerbeds. A screened blend of zoo brew compost, soil, and sand. $50/ cubic yard

A sandy loam material that is a blend of screened topsoil, leaf compost and sand to offer the finest growing material. The added sand helps increase the workability of existing clay heavy soil, decreases compaction and promotes water drainage for healthier, stronger plants and lawns. $56/ cubic yard

Topsoil is composed of mineral particles and organic matter and usually extends to a depth of 5-10 inches. This topsoil was removed from the current gravel yard. $45/ yard

Fill dirt is taken from a location where soil is being removed as a part of leveling an area for construction; it also contains sand, rocks, and stones, as well as earth. $35/ cubic yard

This natural sand is pure and easy to use for all types of projects. Our sand can be used for pool sand to build a nice base under pools, paths that are easy to walk on, leveling areas, fill in yards and sand boxes. This sand can be used as bedding for chickens or other animals. $42/ ton

#8 Gravel / pea gravel #8 or pea gravel is an easy to use and handle stone. #8 are smaller than a 57 gravel, larger than sand, or a little smaller than a dime. Pea gravel is used for paths, fire rings, driveways. Several of our customers have used #8 gravel in projects for walkways and patios. The natural color in this landscape river rock will add color and texture to your landscape. $42/ ton

1" - 2" round, natural river rock stone. 57 stone is a great landscaping river rock for many applications. This river rock is used in paths and high traffic areas. 57's are a beautiful border to swimming pools or outside water features. This river rock is a low maintenance option when compared to annually mulching flower or garden beds. 57's can be used when building, repairing or upgrading gravel driveways or parking areas. $50/ ton

2"-6" Landscape river rock for a variety of projects. Our customers have used this cobble stone to surround pools instead of mulch, create stone edging around flower beds, rocks for dry creek beds, and rocks for building a base. Cobbles are great for building fire rings and adding texture to your landscape. Additional uses for this cobblestone; drainage projects, driveways, banks of streams, edging ponds and masonry structures. This cobblestone has reds, grays and tans. $35/ ton

Decorative large stone which is 12" and larger. Boulders are multi colored, including blue, pink, tan, gray several have sparkle in the stone. The large rocks are used in flower beds to add texture. Boulders can also be used to build retaining walls, support streams or edge ponds and pools. You will love the beautiful selection of boulders to choose from. $20 per linear foot
Serving Grove City Gravel, Pickaway County Gravel, Harrisburg Gravel, Orient Gravel, Commercial Point Gravel, Mt. Sterling Gravel.
Providing sand and gravel products for construction projects, driveways, landscaping/ hardscaping, fill projects and many other uses.